Kate Morton is an auto-read for both me and my mum. Since discovering The House At Riverton many years ago, we've both enjoyed her unique style of storytelling - twisting historical fiction and mystery expertly time and time again. So when I saw Homecoming available through NetGalley - I of course opted straight away to grab an ARC. It's Christmas 1959 and Percy Summers takes a detour through the Australian country to a waterhole to allow his horse to bathe and cool down. Noticing a family of their local town asleep by the waterside, he moves to make a neighbourly greeting to discover that they're not asleep at all and something awful has befallen then. In London 2018, Jess finds out her Grandmother, Nora, has taken a fall back in Australia. Arriving back "home" after the long journey, she finds out that Nora has been acting strange for a while and Jess cannot work out why. Whilst Homecoming didn't incite the same emotions as some of her other books, the st...