Having been interested in the Romanov executions from a young age, this book was an immediate addition to my TBR but I was so disappointed to find the paperback was £16 to buy. That's not within my paperback budget.
But then, I signed up to Kindle Unlimited and I cannot tell you how pleased I was to find this book on there - and it was of course my first KU read.
The thing with books that are based on real people and real events; it's easy to judge them on the historical accuracy. It's easy to metaphorically tear a book apart because the fictionalised character and events to not match what the reader believes or knows.
And going into reading Anastasia,, that's exactly what I was concerned about. I have an educated idea of what happened, how and when. And there was one point of this book where the timeline was note matching up - specifically Red Sunday. In reality this would have happened when Anastasia was 4/5 years old, whereas in Lark's story - she was in her teens.
At that point, I realised I had a choice. I could become one of those people who simply pointed out every flaw whilst forgiving the fact that pretty much all of it was incorrect given that there are magical powers... or I could take the story for what it is - a story.
There is no doubt in my mind that a lot of research when into this writing. There is no way it could have been written purely out of someones imagination. But what this book was for me is a Fantasy story with historical elements. and not the other way around.
And I loved it.
If you are going into this book looking for a fictionalised insight into what happened to end the Romanov dynasty - you will not enjoy this. BUT if you can take it for it is, a story that has used one of the most pivotal moments of European history to create a love story with magic and twists - then you'll love it.
Also - the illustrations on the Kindle Unlimited edition are just stunning and I now believe the book is worth the £16 investment that I was initially hesitant to make.
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