Midnight In Everwood was an impulse purchase based on the cover because LOOK AT IT! It's stunning. Of course, I'd taken a look over the synopsis and the idea of a retelling of the infamous Nutcracker story was definitely too delicious to pass up.
It was relatively new out when I first purchased it but I left it until December before picking it up - purposely because I knew it would give me all of the Christmas feels.
I don't think I've been alone in this - I've noticed a few people post up about reading Midnight in Everwood this month and we've all been saying the same thing... it isn't the easiest book to read.
The first half dragged for me, it was relatively slow paced at first and had I not had the temptation of The Nutcracker retelling in the back of my mind, I probably would have DNF'd it.
But I persevered and the second half of the book really ramped up. I think it took about 2/3 days to get to the second half but once I was there, I couldn't put it down.
That being said, it was beautifully written. The unlying themes were well done, there just wasn't a lot of action in the first 150-200 pages. Contrary to others opinions, I like the way the main character, Marietta was portrayed and I think her development in the story was justified and well done.
To anyone that may have been put off by others reviews of the last few weeks - I still recommend you read it. Stick with it and throw yourselves into it. I did enjoy it and I am so glad I did.
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